Still bside I


First compilation of reinterpretations made by various authors.

Based on Still aside's past broadcasts, the artists elaborated new material with a single guideline: to use the given audio as the only sound source.
Each of the artists went their own way, using different tools and techniques; and as they did not communicate with each other during the process, the results got very varied.

The material initially improvised by Kaltbluetler was used as source material for reinterpretations by Nigul, Javier Rey / Círculo de Sucesos and After Disaster.

The artwork was made out of 4 photographies taken from the session 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Still aside.
The photographers are: Paul Rosenstein, Anna Paola Guerra, Erik Mowinckel and Vanja Stockhausen.

Many thanks to all artists involved and to the Audiotalaia's team.

Released September 17, 2021


Still bside II