Nebel lang - nuovo credo
Photography by Helen Carosi
Field recordings by ikbenraar
Released December 25, 2022
Voglio esaltarti e lodare il tuo nome,
perché hai eseguito progetti meravigliosi,
concepiti da lungo tempo, fedeli e veri.
Il fico infatti non germoglierà,
nessun prodotto daranno le viti,
cesserà il raccolto dell'olivo,
i campi non daranno più cibo,
i greggi spariranno dagli ovili
e le stalle rimarranno senza buoi.
Ma io gioirò in te, tecnologia.
Tua è la grandezza, la potenza, la gloria, lo splendore e la maestà, perché tutto, nei cieli e sulla terra, è tuo. Tuo è il regno; tu ti innalzi sovrano su ogni cosa.
Nessuno è come te e non vi è altro Dio fuori di te, proprio come abbiamo udito con i nostri orecchi.
situate is a short piece to help the listener establish the volume for the entire work.
magazine sixty I arrived at the music of Nebel lang quite by chance. Not so much via a roll of the dice, although I guess wondering around the internet could be justifiably called that, but simply by happy accident. On the odd occasion that circumstance happens, seemingly by chance, can be the most rewarding ones. Maybe it reminds me of flicking through vinyl in a record shop long ago where uncertain discoveries are excitably made.
What may prove to be one of my favourite listens at the end of last year also provides an introduction to this year and the loaded number 23. Listening to the fifteen minutes occupying the second title, nei cieli feels like the senses are engaging with the wonder of silence just as they are ignited by occasional rolls of eloquent piano punching through the air. Lonely and perfectly composed in the art of togetherness. Pondering time, browsing emotions. Much as the other numbers do. Apart from the introductory sounds of a train station as it bleeds into the remainder of pieces. It’s almost heard to capture the full intention here because it really is about personal conversation but maybe this is a long overdue start to the timetable.
Jamie Tregurtha so tranquil, so placid, yet so moving. exquisite slow improvisation from a master of the craft.